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"From Hargest to Argus"

by Bob Argus

This well researched and brilliantly written 66 page A4 sized book covers two distinct but consecutive parts in the history of the Argus family. 

Firstly the book documents the origins of the Argus family beginning in the mid 1500's primarily in the Counties of Cornwall and Devon in England. The author examines how the Argus name evolved from the surname Hargest and documents the life of family members in England up to the mid 1840's.

The second part of the book follows the migration of  two brothers Thomas and John Argus and their families from Tregony in Cornwall to Australia in the 1840's. It then follows their settling initially in Victoria and subsequently in other states of Australia and New Zealand.

This book is a great reference to anyone interested in the origins of the Argus family and is of particular interest to any descendants who live or may have lived in Australia or New Zealand.

Copies of the book are now available for FREE, you only have to pay postage and handling.

Click on  the words order form  to download full details of how to purchase.




The book has been continually reviewed as a work in progress by a small group of family historians and their comments are reproduced here for your guidance:

It is hard to find a happy medium between historical data and interesting commentary.  I think in this case you have risen to the occasion and made the narrative both interesting and informative.  UNPUTDOWNABLE.

 Susanne Lawson (nee Argus), Bayswater, Victoria

 Extensively researched and brilliantly written……..this is essential reading for anyone interested in the origins of the Argus family and an invaluable starting point for documenting their own family tree.

 Frank Argus, Adelaide, South Australia

A skilful use of local history to bring to life a family history - both entertaining and enlightening. 

Christine McDonald (nee Argus) Toowoomba, Queensland


Many congratulations on the content of your family history.  You have obviously spent a great deal of research on the project and produced a super narrative.

 Franklin Grigg, Local Historian for the Village of Tregony, Cornwall
